Tuesday, February 19, 2008

"Dialogue Mapping"

"Dialogue Mapping: Building Shared Understanding of Wicked Problems" is a relatively recent book (2005) on dialogue and wicked problems by Jeff Conklin. You can read the first chapter of the book here. Jeff is part of the CogNexus Instititute.

I'm not sure I agree with Conklin's take on wicked problems. He seems to want to strip the social complexity out of them. He says: "... while wickedness is a property of the problem/solution space ... social complexity is a property of the social network that is engaging with the problem". I'm not sure these things are so easily teased apart. Expecially since Rittel's original paper (as Conklin acknowledges elsewhere) sees one of the contributors to "wickedness" being the various views of the "publics" and "sub-publics" affected. I can see why Conklin might want to separate out social complexity - to get some clarity - but I'm not sure if it is helpful.


Anonymous said...

Hey Nick, just letting you know someone is reading you (even if it's way over my head -- but it's a nice photo of you).
Greg A.

Nick said...

Hi Greg. I always said I was doing this just to get my thoughts straight and I'd never mind if no-one read it. But it really gives one a warm innner glow to get a (nice)comment. And - nice to hear from you: glad you like the photo.